Scientology Sea Org Member Peter Nyiri flees the cult after 22 yrs. Part 2 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 13 July 2018 15:06 |
Peter Nyiri shares an inside view of the Sea Org culture within: How does Sea Org act towards each other? For example, Peter had several bosses who constantly gave him multiple and conflicting orders -- and this while expecting him to get all orders done all at once.
Peter also talks about the constant screaming and endless mental abuse inflicted upon Sea Org members by Sea Org managers. Peter also discusses include Scientology TV; the inefficiency of Scientology’s in-house printing factory called Bridge Publications; and the defining – and very psychologically cruel -- event that caused he and his wife to escape from the Sea Org. (Full story coming soon)
Jeffrey Augustine & Aaron Smith-Levin Analyze Scientology's Fair Game Attack Against Mike Rinder |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 06 July 2018 16:22 |
In this video, Jeffrey and Aaron discuss the sleazy tactics the Church of Scientology used in its recent vicious Fair Game attack against Mike Rinder. This Fair Game was conducted in an attempt to destroy Mike Rinder's reputation, income, and entire life.
The main purpose this Scientology attack was to get Mike fired so that he could not work with Leah Remini on her Emmy-winning show Scientology and the Aftermath.
What makes this Fair Game attack particularly noteworthy and heinous is that it was based on a combination of demonstrable lies; social media fraud; and an attempt to weave these lies into the #MeToo movement.
Mike Rinder's daughter Taryn Teutsch, a Sea Org member, was the face of the Fair Game attack. In Taryn's fake narrative, she recited a fake narrative of violence and injury upon her mother and fellow Sea Org member Cathy Bernardini.
Taryn's claims are wholly unsupported the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department report and the Paramedics Report. Further, the initial ambush of Mike Rinder in a parking lot by Taryn, Cathy, and several other Sea Org members was caught on audio by John Sweeney who was then with the BBC and was interviewing Mike on the phone.
Today Show with Megyn Kelly: Former Sea Org Member Brendan Tighe Shares His Story |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 27 June 2018 16:15 |
Click on link to watch the interview:
Today Show with Megyn Kelly: Former Sea Org Member Brendan Tighe Shares His Story
Church of Scientology Defies the Laws of the Land and Obstructs Justice |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 04 June 2018 13:57 |
In the Laws within Scientologly In you CANNOT report a crime or felony to Law Enforcement You cannot report breaking the laws of the to any Government agency. Reporting internal conduct to anyone outside the Scn Cult is deemed a suppressive act and the punishment is you will get your nearest and dearest family and friends disconnected (shunning) from you. Scientology Inc. flagrantly thumbs its nose at the law and does not turn in Pedophiles, molesters and even protects rapists. Their obstruction of justice is rampant and they want to handle such "internally"
Mike Rinder, Church of Scientology's Former Spokesman On Fair Game & Season 3 of Aftermath |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 02 April 2018 20:37 |
Mike talks about Scientology and the Aftermath‘s upcoming third season, which appears to be the reason for a new wave of Fair Game harassment from Scientology’s hired goons. Leah has observed Private investigators stalking her and following her.
At the same time that the church is trying to project a very different image with its new television network. Mike describes how David Miscavige orders his Office of Special Affairs minions to do something about Leah’s show, and how this results in actions that are irrational and actually harm Scientology by exposing its sleazy Fair Game tactics, Rinder also recounts the series of events that led him to escape from the Church of Scientology in 2007.
“This leads to Mike describing the internal justice system of Scientology and why the church covers up sexual molestation and the other crimes and misdeeds committed by Scientologists, Mike also discusses the new Aftermath Foundation and how it exists to help Scientologists get started again in life after fleeing Scientology with literally nothing, just as he did a decade ago.
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