Scientology Paul Haggis (2x Academy Award winner) 'It's a Cult' NBC News, Part 2 of 2 |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 03 September 2019 16:02 |
Notice how Miscavige calls it a WAR. Scn cult is at WAR with the US government just as the cult wages WAR with media, authors, journalists, TV networks, Governments, Government agencies. This cult has warfare, vengeance and retaliation in its DNA. Its battle cry is ATTACK ! ATTACK ! ATTACK ! Amusingly it even turns on its own. Viciously incarcerating its own in Prison Camps and SP hole.
Cult of Scientology inhumanities, brutalities and internal harshness of combating their own |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 30 August 2019 12:57 |
Scientology is infamous and notorious for many issues. But I beat the drum on the ABUSE because it is the absolute opposite of everything a Religion purports to be. Ron and I most discuss what goes in with staff who have signed Billion year contracts, also called "Sea Org Contract." Scn cannibalizes its own by brutal and inhumane punishments in between harsh interrogations. The problem with such conduct is that the cult is that people reach a threshold and then depart and then become enemies who trickle their own personal horror story on the atrocity at a time.
What do Scn'ists actually believe is the source of their phobias ? addictions ? Obsessions ? |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 26 August 2019 10:59 |
What do Scn'ists actually believe is the source of their phobias ? addictions ? Obsessions ? Explaining the BELIEFS.  We are all free to believe what we WANT to believe. I do not challenge this
but having been though every nook and cranny of it and having trained within an inch of my life I am entittled
to voice my overall view of what it is, why it is so secretive and why it is off limits to be discussed
Scientology: More Secrets Revealed w/ Karen de la Carriere #58 Life After Scientology |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 12 August 2019 14:53 |
Hubbard : Go spit in her face ! On the Apollo early 1970s a teenage youngster called Jill Goodman became a Hubbard messenger. Beautiful girl indoctrinated like the rest of the messengers to serve Hubbard's every need. The way messages were transmitted back inthe day on the Apollo long before Internet, was that Hubbard would voice something, and one of his MESSENGERS would run and find
that person and relay the message. Hubbard sent Jill Goodman to relay a message to his eldest daughter with Mary Sue Hubbard Diana. Diana's office was only some 30' away from Hubbard's Research room (his office.) Diana responded to Jill but not what Hubbard wanted to hear. Hubbard then ordered Jill to go SPIT IN THE FACE OF DIANA. Messengers were trained to do EXACTLY what Hubbard said to do, so Jill goes and spits in Diana Hubbard's face. Mary Sue Hubbard happened to be behind Jill when it happened and immediately began slapping Jill Goodman's face. Then Mary Sue took off her shoes and hurled them at Jill. A few years later Hubbard order Miscavige to spit in the face of John Axcel, a dedicated
Sea Org vet. And to spit in the face of senior exec WDC SMI.
Thus began the *spitting* era in the cult. David Miscavige spat on Marc Yager numerous times. It was in vogue !
Seniors spitting on Juniors who could not return the spit. (hierachy) This and other stories and anecdotes I discussed with Rom Miscavige this morning.
This and other stories and anecdotes I discuss with Ron
Miscavige this morning.
Church of Scientology ~~ Founder L Ron Hubbard gives GRANADA TV answering hard questions (Vintage) |
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Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 09 August 2019 09:38 |
Granada TV's show "World in Action" gets a full length interview Classic interviews that have evergreen timeless information are mirrored on my channel for educational purposes. It is interesting that the cult never use any excerpts of this at the INT events or other shows where they need Hubbard footage. The show is BURIED All Credit to Granada TV.
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