Home Now What? A New Model
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Saturday, 12 September 2009 05:58

Now What? A New Model for Scientology

by Joe Howard

Sherlock Holmes and Dr, Watson are on a camping trip. In the middle of the night Holmes wakes up and gives Watson a nudge.

“Watson,” he says, “look up in the sky and tell me what you see.”

“I see millions of stars, Holmes,” says Watson.

“And what do you conclude from that, Watson?”

Watson thinks for a moment. “Well,” he says, “astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter to three. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Theologically, I see that God is all-powerful, and we are small and insignificant. Uh, what does it tell you, Holmes?”

“Watson, you idiot! Someone has stolen our tent!”

The recent KR by T. Paine elsewhere on this site (not to mention nearly every other article) should lead anyone to induce that indeed, someone has stolen Scientology as originally developed by LRH.

Moreover, the business model has devolved into the worst perversion of “money for nothin' “ that one can imagine. Now, maybe Scientology didn't have the greatest business model in the first place as developed by LRH. LRH himself never claimed perfection. Someone else has touted that. LRH only claimed workability. The system worked to one degree or another. People bought DMSMH. They came into an org or mission. Did the old TRs Course. Then the old HQS Course. At some point they went exterior and that was basically that.

Of course it was flawed, and deeply, in some respects. Especially when you think that if LRH had gotten just ONE person interested in Dianetics in 1950 and then in 1951 he and that other person each got one more person interested and those four in 1952 each got one and so on and so on and scooby-dooby-doo. By 1982, everyone on the planet would have been in Scientology. Do the arithmetic if you don't believe me. That's not written to make LRH wrong. Had someone started the same progression in 1970, the same result would have been attained by 2002.

Since LRH dropped his body in 1986, the business model for Scientology was essentially cremated along with his earthly remains. At the very least it was allowed to ossify and become hardened into today's  flashy MEST buildings courtesy of the Ideal Org program. Nobody likes the way that is going. Not the public, not the staff and certainly not DM despite what you hear at events. It is inevitable that one day the whole mess is going to come crashing in on itself. Where will Scientology be then? Scientology, the subject, not what currently passes as the organization.

The subject is still the subject, an applied religious philosophy. The mechanisms of the mind and the means to change conditions outlined in Scientology will still exist even if every org closes or DM absconds with all the money in the coffers. As an analogy, the periodic table and chemistry still exist  and are workable despite Alfred Nobel's use of them to invent dynamite and kill millions of people. (At least he had an ethics change and set up a perpetual amends project at the end of his life.)

The point here, of course, is that Scientology has not moved into the Information Age and yet, the technologies available today that were not developed when LRH was alive, have the potential to transform institutional Scientology into something that COULD spread the subject far and wide as well as fast and free.

Imagine, then, being able to read LRH books and bulletins and listen to LRH lectures sitting at home or at Starbucks. Imagine not having to race home after work, wolf down a meal to make it to roll call at 7:00, but doing your course on-line on your own schedule. (Maybe you can only devote a hour tonight because American Idol comes on at 8:00.) Even your TR and metering courses. Web cams, anyone? Cut your video and email it to the Supe in the org. Or send it to me. After you've watched the Tech Film that you had downloaded and watched earlier.

Basically all of Scientology could be studied and learned on-line and probably could be made available for free. Even the haters might listen to a lecture or two if they were free.

Okay, where does that leave the orgs? Well, you would still need a brick and mortar location for certain things like Qual. People would have to go in and demonstrate that they really could assess a prepared list in order to be certified by the organization. Co-auditors might need C/Sing or cramming and the Review Auditors would probably be busy as hell from pcs having been chopped up in the field learning to audit in such a half-assed manner as I'm proposing here. These services are valuable services and deserve to be exchanged for. The auditors in the orgs probably would be the best tech terminals in the area and the field would want their help. The brick and mortar org would also be the central meeting place for all the Scientologists in that community. That's where everyone would congregate for parties and Bingo night, etc.

Now, how many more people would be learning and applying Scientology under an arrangement such as described here? Basically free, or very low cost, progress at your own pace on your own schedule, contact someone in the org when you need help or want to get your cert.

A shadow of this new model for Scientology currently exists in the Freezone but it's only a shadow. How standard would the tech be under such an arrangement? Probably about as standard as LRH said it would be in the field. And that was good enough for him. There are auditors in the Freezone doing all kinds of riffs on LRH tech. Well, that's what goes on in the field. The sad truth is that it's more than is going on at Flag, where auditors and everybody else is regging IAS donos full time.

One huge advantage of this new model for Scientology is that it takes a ton of MEST off  the comm lines and that's a good thing. As Scientology is currently organized, it is basically all MEST—big buildings, book and lecture packages and money. No real auditing or training going on, which is supposed to be the entire activity of Scientology. Not donos. The huge CD production facility built several years ago at Gold was obsolete even before the first CD came off the line. The iPod already existed and Apple would have been more than happy to custom produce a special Scientology version that could have held all LRH materials. (All the books, green vols and red vols already fit easily on a single CD, by the way.) Or Gold could have made them available for download for 99 cents apiece like iTunes does with songs. The point is that when you take all the MEST off the line, the price of anything drops to near zero!

Another huge advantage is that it lets anyone who downloads a book or lecture be responsible for their own duplication, understanding and judgment with respect to the materials. The fact is that everyone who has ever had an interest in Scientology has had a direct line with LRH. After all, he is the one who cobbled the subject together out of everything that came before plus added his own breakthroughs about the mind and life, not to mention auditing tech. Over the years some individuals have allowed other people to stand between themselves and LRH and cut the line. It might have been a bad Reg or a bad Ethics Officer or a bad COB RTC. If you are sitting in an upset with the org, you've let your line with LRH be cut. A new model for Scientology such as being proposed here makes that line to LRH accessible to basically everyone with a computer. From there someone could sort out for themselves whether there is anything of value in the subject. Right now that's not really possible because of 1) economic reasons and 2) the horrendous PR about the subject. A lot of people don't know the first thing about the subject and don't want to because the PR is so God awful.

The purpose for writing this is to let readers know that plans are afoot to bring about such a new model for Scientology, to make it a truly free subject, just as LRH said it was meant to be. With a new, Internet based business model people could do Scientology bit without the hassle of dealing with the red and black caped crusaders in orgs as they currently exist.

The other purpose for writing this is to begin a discussion about the future of the organization. Because the current one is a relic of another age. Comments and suggestions are encouraged. [Note: We will soon be launching a new section on this website exactly for this purpose. Coming soon! - Thoughtful]


Written by Joe Howard



+2 # Roy Selby 2009-09-29 18:30
Sounds good Joe,

"Orgs" could consist of groups, starting with the ones we have now such as MWTC, Les and Anita in Seattle and others. Possibly acting as AOs, ensuring Pre OTs and Class VI and above are well trained in review and OT review. The concept that was presented is IMO exactly what LRH would do in present with the tools we have at hand. I'd love to participate. I'm an OT Reveiw Auditor and original full OT VII, MBA and FEBC.

I's appreciate an ack.

# Thoughtful 2009-09-29 22:12
Hi Roy, Thanks for your support! Joe should be online tomorrow. This is a new section just started today and construction is still I/P. It's great to know you would be willing to lend a hand.
# Dr_Wonka 2009-09-30 03:26
Hey Roy (and all)

I would also love to aid my efforts to any such pro survival program or endeavor. However, it’s a strange thing to me looking at the future and as all things have gone through there own “evolution”. I was actually contemplating writing a book called “The evolution of a science” but that title seems to be already taken.

It seems to me that cultures, religions, political structures, races, genders, planets, galaxies and even universes (and ill stop there and leave that one alone for now) have all undergone there own “path of least resistance vrs survival of the fittest (most workable) in there own time.

And, I know I’m going to make “lots of friends” with this one” but the rise and the fall of the Cof$ just as the perversion of Christianity, Buddhism, and all the major points forgotten in all the other eastern religions will and is going the same way as Ron himself warned that it would. Things evolve. Naturally they either develop in survival or are ‘aborted” by the natural process of things. Frankly I can’t wait for the info-commercials to go the same way.

There is a “Technology” now used in the Psy professions that the church early on made agreements with under court order that has been developing for years as a grass roots movement that is not only accepted by the “wog” community, but is also sanctioned and validated by the AMA and the American psychiatric association (or what ever that is) Its called TIR or Traumatic Incident Reduction. It is also recognized as valid post degree education for the purposes of keeping ones license by way of the number of accredited hours required per year. Basically it’s reworded Dianetics for wogs and is getting great results with its practitioners and clients.

Now, I’m not an advocate nor have a vested interest of my own. I’m just stating what I see. However this in itself is an example of evolution of ideas and philosophies spreading across society as it evolves. Even the “Evils of psychiatry” that LRH has spoken of are changing and making way for the number of good people that actually want to help others. It’s “publicly known” that to help others with “the mind” that the Psy degree offered at universities is the “main and trusted” application to do so. As well, that is coming under question and its self evolving by the lack of results in cases leading the trade to be called “head shrinks (as that how one feels post counseling) and quacks. Thus gives way to evolution or at best a very slow death march into change or abortion of that path of thinking. I am VERY happy to say that this is occurring less the use of drugs and even that is coming to knowledge of being ridiculous and harmful by the general population (thank God so to speak) It too (I very much hope as Purif I/C) that it will pass quickly as well.

So, my point here is that all things evolve for better or worse depending on the group think of things and natures own survival path. Again, “God help us”. Now can one man make a difference? Absolutely! As LRH stated, a committee will never get anything done just talk about it. It takes one to stand up and be “God and King” to actually lead and make change. But that to follows the guides of an evolution of its own. An evolution of the Tech and the church is rapidly occurring accelerated past all others by the rapid communication lines of this age. Things are going to change. Lil Davie will find himself going the way of the pope with only the fanatical loyalist (dramatizers) in tow if not shot like a has been dictator. Then the church in its “Religious vigor” will morph into something entirely different and evolution and the vested interest marches forward in time. Although… the tech now in the hands of many has a life of its own and is not going back out of site less the destruction of humanity completely. And THAT was LRH’s original intention!

Like TIR and other splinters of religions, the Freezone is taking hold and practitioners are coming out of hiding no longer in fear of the church. Like an old and diseased Lion It has lost its growl and power and is deteriorating into the madness it deserves. Let with all hope that our good friends there escape unscathed whilst they can. And they will, right out to opening there own groups and the Freezone will expand with every church or mission or filed group. We might even see one on late night TV someday offering free LRH monogrammed red prayer cloths with every donation of $50. (Heaven forbid of course)

However, the cats out of the bag and is not going back in. Too many people know and use it now in what ever form it remains. The more it’s resisted the more it will be desired. The more its “taboo” and tried to be pulled out of site, the more free thinkers will push back and want it. And, that its self is a natural evolution dynamic as show in the Axioms. The more it is kept within the “Standards” of workability the more it will work and be wanted by others. The poor practitioner will either have to step up to the abilities of “free market” or trust in his good looks and ability to speak on television to make a living.

So, like it or not and including the think on the “enslavers of mankind and his mind” it all applies. Time will allow for governments to control populations through economics and even the feared “retention FEMA camps” the internet so warns of. And if true, then inevitably our society will crumble and we will see the uproar of a revolution accordingly. Again although hard to palate, change and evolution all the same. And yes, just like the “astute” Hollywood movies of the day, Science fiction writers of vision have shown nothing is stranger then the truth and its all coming at us full steam ahead.

The end consequence will be the best results for the lowest cost and the best PR rep in the public’s eyes. After all, they where talked into Ritalin. “In time” what we know should be ease given sufficient effort. People love to communicate and we have that in full range now. Ones reputation will say all.

Think 50 years from now in evolution from a pure no vested interest exterior perspective and like it or not, that’s what we are in for. It just is what it is. Kind of reminds me of the hormonal death throws of puberty. Sometimes exciting, some times even passionately sweet, at times even vehemently explosive. But it won’t stop till it’s done nevertheless.

As a breeze from a once widely displayed window is slowly trimmed to silence, again as time for a pause of winter’s frost. Grand expectations of a sunny spring of abundance on the other side of a cold and tumultuous Armageddon. So is it to all things, evolution and change, determined and unremitting.

We do all we can and see what develops. ;-) Exciting times to say the least.

Miss ya Roy.

+3 # LO 2009-09-30 07:52
Good Ideas !

But there must be a place and people that are authorities about standard Tech. I suggest a standard Scientology University be founded that trains people in standard tech and certifies them (such a certificate can't be canceled by anyone but an auditors association with a standard comm ev when out-tech occurs. This university would also be involved in research and all kinds of projects that will help mankind to handle its problems. It wouldn't be research for new Tech as this we have, but mainly applying Scientology on all subjects as sociology, economics, history, sciences, education etc....and delivering those new found insights to mankind. Really, I'm tired of saying thank you to LRH for his discoveries, this knowledge belongs to mankind as well as the discoveries of Einstein. I don't say thank you to Einstein each time I'm using a gps and neither does the American people worship Columbus for having discovered America. LRH's work is a milestone for us, it has to stay independent, no one that owns it and the best way to keep it free is in an independent Scientology university, perhaps run by the SO, the same way as the Jesuits were running schools and universities in the past. Those guys had their ethics in and did a lot for mankind !

BTW, I mean it seriously !
+1 # Guest 2009-10-01 20:22
What I think may happen is that with no organizational validation, no "Okay" from the "authorities who know best," that what will happen is that the tech people auditing in the field who get the best results will naturally become opinion leaders. There is a lot to be said for meritocracy. No PR, no hiding behind bars on the shoulders, just results as experienced by the pcs should be the standard.
# LO 2009-10-02 06:42

Honestly I don't know what to answer to your reply. I can understand your proposal in a certain way. But I think a standard must be set somewhere without being "authorities' in the old sense (probably its also the wrong word). People can be a real authority on a subject when they really understand it and can use it. You are surely an authority on certain subjects in your profession or in life when you're a pro ! This is what I mean , not people being in control or having a monopole in Scientology. It belongs to mankind and to nobody else. An university teaching tech could be in concurrence to another one doing the same thing but applying it on different subjects. This really would be a great thing as the people working at those institutions would be free and independent thinkers. This is the basic idea of an University and always has been. If you look at the contributions of MIT or other universities to the development of our civilization and think about this kind of people applying scientology on a greater scale to the problems of mankind, we probably would live in a paradise very soon!

You take the Internet. In 20 years the contributions of those people to it have made the world to a village, connecting everybody to everybody, communication can flow freely around the whole planet and despotic Leaders have no big possibilities anymore today as the truth goes around the planet in a second! This is what I'm talking about. Scientology applied in physics would probably very soon resolve our energy problems. Scientology applied to economics would very fast produce wealthy people around the planet. Third party Law and SP/PTS data applied to politics (not in an OSA or Miscavige way) would nail the rest of despotic and out ethics politician on the planet. We would have peace and could travel to the stars!

This is what I'm talking about! And I don't mean that everybody has to become a Scientologist or this kind of stuff.

Have a nice day !
# Jewel 2009-10-13 21:28
Lo what a great Idea!!
I also feel that since you cannot call by the name an object that does not perform the function, we cannot call the DM Church "Church of Scientology."
Is instead the Church of Miscavige.
The Church of Scientology does not exist anymore...
We are so many that believe in LRH standard tech ONLY and we should put thee stable in tech terminals (LRH only). We need a qual, ethic, and C/Sing... I want to help. I think it is time to really do something about It. I'm an auditor and an OT and I want to help!!
# Tobias 2009-10-06 06:20
What wonderful ideas! The evolution of a science in the field with concreet orgs for untangling mishaps, and the available of the Tech directly from Source is fantastic. The university idea could easily fit for those who want and need a more structured environment and instructors or lecturers and demonstrations that are in the flesh. We don't have to finalize these this minute. The groundworks you are suggesting are exciting me (Grad V, OEC/FEBC); I really want to DO something now, instead of just lamenting the disappearance of the "good-ol'-days.) Let's have more discussion... This is fastastic!
# PS 2009-10-09 13:42
Joe, thanks for the blog. I don't know about this Scientology at home. It isn't LRH. Orgs are an "Island of Sanity" where public can come and be free of the trappings of the world for a change. Ever been to the Freewinds? What a change of life if even for just one month. The orgs were always a great place to meet other Scientologists and start some great business or even some great movement.

And the only way to tell if a student has gotten the material he is studying is for a standard supervisor to watch his indicators, spot check or have him demo.

Too much Scn would be thrown out along with the bathwater if we did not have orgs as per OEC volumes and FEBC Tapes.

I think Scn should be just per LRH. Brick and mortar, lines and terminals, courserooms and Hubbard Guidance Centers and so forth. To not have these is unthinkable.
# Guest 2009-10-28 10:45
"Islands of Sanity?" They were SUPPOSED to be but I can't think of a SINGLE visit that was completely relaxed and free without worry of being hard-regged or scrutinized for not being staff, volunteering, etc. And that includes the Freewinds! Blecch! Then I was not around the orgs say in the 70's when I'm told things were MUCH different.

On another note, this site has just in very few minutes helped me in my doubt about LRH and the tech.... CofS has clearly become a suppressive cult and yes - the very worst part is this ruins the public's perception of LRH and the tech.

I just realized I am only now getting to know LRH - The perfect, pure, god-like individual promoted by David Miscavige did not exist, and in fact LRH was apparently an outright fiend at times, but this is a man with all his eccentricities, that wrote undeniable philosophy and undeniable technology... And THAT I can have and think with!

I also agree that scientology (little "s") should take it's place alongside "physics" or "calculus" - which are also fields of knowledge with acknowledged founders, but not caught in a stranglehold of copyright-protected financial interests, and which are public domain. I have enough faith in man to believe - like physics for example - that the subjects' workability will be assimilated and even improved upon. And no one has to "hip-hip-hooray" Isaac Newton, yet he is acknowledged as a key contributor to knowledge on earth.

Lastly - I'd love to hear comment on the subject of OT. It seems to me that the early OT levels addressed exteriorization and intention, and yielded objectively observable results and phenomena... Yet the OT levels these days have been modified. Have the REAL OT Courses been stolen and a poor substitute put in their place?
# Guest 2009-10-09 20:54
You're right, PS. LRH died before the discovery of cyberspace and the Information Age. You can bet your bottom attention unit that if he'd known about the Internet he would have made great use of it. After all he did originate extension courses in the 1950s, so there is actually a precedent in policy even. LRH was not shy about borrowing from anywhere if it would help him attain his vision for Scientology and I guarantee you that he would have take full advantage of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating no central brick and mortar facilities where the best, most highly trained Scientologists can be leaders for the Scientology community in that area. But if you expand the idea of a real field surrounding orgs, thinking with the social tools now at everyone's disposal, I think my basic plan is actually on policy. LRH didn't expect the highest level of technical application in the field. The field was basically the wild, wild West. Anything goes, basically. Have a look at some OEC Vol 6 PLs. Personally, I think LRH would be greatly saddened is any creative thought or initiative or bright ideas died with him.
+1 # bebnet 2009-10-27 07:11
LRH *did* know about the Internet, he studied it extensively, he knew it was going to be huge and he left orders for INCOMM to use it to expand Scientology. However these orders have been non-complied with for decades. Fact: INCOMM should have had *all* International stats online for access by any Scientologist by now. Fact: All basics materials should be online, word-searchable and easily accessible by now. Fact: The New Tech Dictionary is *supposed to have been created with computers* by now. Fact: All Orgs are supposed to have very well-maintained electronic communications systems which utilize Internet technologies, by now.

Fact: This is not being done, precisely because *it would expand Scientology immensely*.
# Tara 2010-09-01 14:21
I remember when the INCOM system was put in our mission (or some version of it) that there was an LRH reference on using technology/computers to help us.
+1 # PS 2009-10-12 09:34
Thanks Joe and I see where you are coming from. I wasn't sure if the extention courses were LRH's idea or someone elses. But that clears that up.

My experience in the Class 5 orgs is that you really have to coddle raw public. I worked in a Class 4 org in the 70's and we had to work our asses off to keep public moving on the bridge.

I remember I was on mission in Valley Org in 1993 and a public was on course there who was just blown out. He blew after finishing PEI course. I asked the Div 6 staff what the problem was with him. They said; "He's PTS, very antag." and they wrote him off. I didn't buy it so I called the guy myself and asked him to come in. He did. I sat with him and asked him: "What happened?" Long story short he had an MU at the tail end of the course. When I cleared it up with him, he blew out and then re-signed.

My point is that I cannot fathom not having eyeballs on these people while they are getting trained and/or hatted. One MU and they are gonzo. They get MUs so easily, and they don't come running to the org for help; they run away.

This just may be the Professor in me, but that's what I have a problem with in all of this.

You were right about the old HAS-HQS line up. we body routed 280 people a day, gave them a fifteen minute lecture on improving communication per the HCO PL Foundation (Vol 6, Pg 212), put them sign-ups on the hard TRs course where the blow rate was around 50% (but who cared, the ones that didn't blow are still with us) followed by HQS with objectives and Op Pro by Dup. Talk about pushing the bank back. We were making clears by the thousands because after HQS was ARC SW and then Dianetics. It was a winning lineup and we did make St Hill Size in 1976. Now that we have TRs in on the sups we could deliver the same comm course and get a lot less blows.
+1 # Joe Howard 2009-10-13 10:54
Believe me, I hear you. What I'm proposing is kind of scary, especially to a Professor. But I think that the Internet also has ways around this. I was sent this unbelievable link the other day: http://webauditing.org/english.html
There are some very resourceful Russians auditing away across the frozen steppes using meters and web cams. Incredible, and they're apparently getting great wins. You have to admire these people. They want what Scientology offers and they aren't going to let a couple thousand miles of tundra stop them!
This is a spirit that now seems to be surfacing throughout Scientology. They're just a bit ahead of the rest of us!
# because 2009-10-15 15:51
Those ideas may work in part. But what works for sure is LRH's tech and policies as written and applied and must not altered.

There is nothing wrong with the Orgs being Source technicaly if we clear it of SP's and restore the application of existing tech and policy. This seems easier then creating a different system.

Priced right and no interefence with the step by step progress up the bridge by caring and skilled staff and public is the way to go.

This need to change because of SP's is weak.

There will be a change sooner then you think, so be ready for your Amnesty and return to good standing and good sense.

Feel free to test and pilot your other ideas but don't say it's Scientology please call it something else.
# Guest 2009-10-16 09:17
An amnesty isn't coming anytime soon. Too many of us are too disaffected with DM. He knows this. He also knows that once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it isn't going back in. In fact, Tommy Davis & Co. were in contact several months ago about "getting my scene sorted out" as he put it. Yet, over the course of several phone calls he would never tell me what I needed to handle, i.e., read me or show me my "declare order." Others who have taken Tommy's offer with hopes of reconnecting with their parents or children are being strung along in exchange for data about what their friends are up to.

And no one is suggesting that putting Scientology out across the Internet is a different subject. Just the mest relay of the information or the way that people can interact is different. No need to call it anything else.

# Inky 2009-10-15 19:47
Quoting Joe Howard:
I was sent this unbelievable link the other day: http://webauditing.org/english.html

ZOMG! What a great idea =D
# Ed Rhett 2009-10-15 22:18
Great idea,making Scientology more available than it currently is. Isn't that why the orgs and missions used to mimeograph the courses we used? To make the tech available. Scientology doesn't have to be totally free. Free introductary courses would, of course, be very useful in building interest and trust. But there is some cost in delivering services, so there needs to be some income to cover the cost of service delivery. Telephone auditing already exists, and it could be greatly improved with a video cam and remote cans (an ordinary telephone line could "piggyback" a signal from the cans, if an interface device were designed for this purpose and used on both ends of the telephone line). Personally, if I were on course I wouldn't have time for MisCabbage. Ed
# because 2009-10-17 09:31
I understand those who are disaffected some are on the outside unable to influence the activities of the orgs. But some are on the inside (public)like myself getting others to wake up follow policy and tech as written by LRH and not be cross ordered, etc. Done with certainty and ARC this has gotten good response.
I believe delivering standard tech in the field also helps pressure Orgs to get back to tech delivery.
# Chuck Beatty 2009-10-19 13:34
LRH wrote TOO MUCH, so much that not many have read it all, and put it all in perspective, and those entrusted by LRH's writings (top management) haven't the outside wide world experience to fully judge and sort out WHAT of LRH's orders/policies should be focused on and engaged in strategically, long range.

I think with this site, and Marty's blog, that ex members are at least free to discuss the bigger issues of the whole Scientology laid out creation by LRH.

My hopes were, when I was in the Sea Org, that the top management people would DISCUSS issue like are talked about here on this site and on Marty's blog.

I think the only long range successful future for official Scientology is if the ex leaders were to get even MORE educated, and then in the years to come, turn back and be allowed into the ranks of top management, and sort out things.

The tough guy ramrod, push production until it runs into blocks, and then handle those blocking production with ethics, THAT is the wrong attitude.

It makes for a continuing divisive atmosphere of being "with the program" ongoing, or labeled "counter intention" and thus "out ethics" to current command intention.

I think whoever is going to inherit and change ALL of the whole BIG Hubbard writing/bureaucratic legacy of this huge multi-echelon organizational setup, those who will inherit and fix this scene up will need a LOT more outside world education, mental flexibility, they'll have to confront the decades (6 decades) of valid criticism about LRH, and FACE and deal with the details of the major criticisms against LRH's setup and ideas.

Otherwise the big Scientology operation will lumber along, running on auto pilot, directed by LRH's policies and orders, which the existing staff will turn to, because of the Study Time policy, staff in the bureaucratic echelons will be guided ALWAYS, by the LRH setup for staff, to follow his policy.

Right now, the big problem is top management is usurped from doing its functions by the one man band dominant personality at the top.

The big big future of Scientology is really LRH's big legacy of writings about the whole setup.

Just because Miscavige has demolished top management, the future is it will be auto pilot be reformed, as the survivors who outlast Misacavige at the top ranks, find themselves someday without Miscavige, and they will turn back to LRH's voluminous writings for what top management is to do.

This will all play out in the decade to come, quicker if Misavige departs the scene, slower if he navigates another decade in similar manner like he's doing these last 25 years.

Big history for groups, countries, etc, is influenced by personalities.

Scientology being a close group, no outsiders' ideas are allowed to significantly influence the Hubbard foundation organizational patterns, it is more easily influenced by a dominant personality, or clique.

Fads and cliques are the history of top management in any group.

Scientology isn't going anywhere, it will survive all this internal laundry turmoil, and it will survive because of the huge amount of things Hubbard wrote as options and patterns for the staff bureaucrats to follow, making this an auto pilot operation for the LONG HAUL future, no matter what tyrant leader or clique at the top does.

DM is merely a BIG cross ordering personality.

LRH's writings will be returned to, in time, when Miscavige looses steam and fades from the steam.

My unrealistic dream since leaving the Sea Org, is coming true.

I'm so happy that former senior top management people can look back in hindsight, and discuss the big issues, details, of the movement's top ranks predicaments.

I'm so glad you all are speaking up publicly.

Chuck Beatty
412-260-1170, Pittsburgh,
ex Sea Org 1975-2003
my last almost 7 years I spent on the RPF
# Nom-Anon 2009-11-07 17:04
I also agree that scientology (little "s") should take it's place alongside "physics" or "calculus" - which are also fields of knowledge with acknowledged founders, but not caught in a stranglehold of copyright-protected financial interests, and which are public domain. I have enough faith in man to believe - like physics for example - that the subjects' workability will be assimilated and even improved upon. And no one has to "hip-hip-hooray" Isaac Newton, yet he is acknowledged as a key contributor to knowledge on earth.

I have no problem with this whatsoever. If you want Scientology to take its place along side real science -bully for you!

One minor detail though. It will have to be peer reviewed. That means criticized, picked apart and the non workable bits thrown out. If you are ready for that then you have taken a big step into a much larger world. If not, you are simply barking up the same old tree.
# Nom-Anon 2009-11-07 17:05
On another note, this site has just in very few minutes helped me in my doubt about LRH and the tech.... CofS has clearly become a suppressive cult and yes - the very worst part is this ruins the public's perception of LRH and the tech.

I think a declare is in order. It seems to me that the "outsiders" of CofS far outnumber the insiders. The Freezoners, the Rathbuns, the Exs or what have you could declare their disgust in a way the church management will understand. By declaring the Church of Scientology a suppressive organization.
# LO 2009-11-07 17:06
Nice discussion.

I can remember (sorry can't find the exact reference in Google)that in 1982 there was a LRH ED (out of memory),where LRH says that he has done everything he could and he gives us the tech as a legacy, that it is now our job to see that we get the right tech and that the only person you can blame if out tech occurred is yourself, as you had to care about getting the right tech in the first place. If somebody of you has this ED PLs. Post it.
I start to think that LRH has foreseen all what is happening now and that was the reason why he wrote this ED in 1982 (mission holder conference - Miscavige taking over).
Probably he wanted us to take responsibility for the subject, and as he knew he'll not always be here to handle everything for us (it was always very comfortable for us to know that if something went wrong LRH handled it at the end).
So now he's gone and it's up to us to keep the work free.
Above makes a lot of sense to me and would explain lots of the riddles in the past. Probably there is no more to it. Seems very simple.
If one day he ever would come back perhaps he would say:"Well done guys, it's exactly what I wanted you to achieve, everyone of you taking responsibility for it and seeing for it's being rightly applied without the constant need for a figure that says how it has to be done. Sorry for all the turmoil and troubles you had, but I saw no other way to teach you the lesson".
What do you think?
Could it be that?
I ask everyone of you to think that over and I'm awaiting your comments on it.
# Freedom Fighter 2009-11-26 01:27
I agree with you 100% that the tech should not be altered in any way, shape, or form. For that reason, "auditing" across the internet is squirrel, IMO. For example, what happens if the PC blows the session? How does that get handled? However, I do agree, that, in addition to what LRH laid out in the references for INCOMM, books and tapes could and should most certainly be delivered via other mediums now available such as Zunes/iPods and Kindle readers, for example. If I'm traveling, it would be nice to only have to take my laptop with me instead of a stack of books. Additionally, just think of the possibilities that would open up with regard to searching and finding references for something. That, alone, would be worth it's weight in gold.
# Paul Adams 2010-03-01 04:25
Ralph Hilton's C-Meter (www.cmeter.org) already has the interface that will allow "proper" metering to occur. The pc needs to have the electronic box, i.e. the c-meter, and the auditor needs to have the (free) software. The auditor sees the meter dial on his computer monitor, in a separate window to his Skype webcam image.

I have a dozen or so videos of a c-meter in use at www.youtube.com/user/esmbdof. These aren't standard sessions, just some experimentation on various things after a message board discussion, but they show the usefulness of a c-meter. And I don't get any commissions!

# Robert Worstell 2010-03-01 14:59
Practically, the best way to reform Scn is to use Scn on it. The biggest hole in their dike is that what has developed into Int Management has been acting suppressively ever since it was developed.

So in handling staff and public, one of the first points is to help them realize they are being suppressed from their own goals. And then de-PTS them with those same policies.

Once people are free to choose their own routes, it would be simple to just apply whatever one found workable in Scn to their own lives - and keep helping others improve theirs as well.

This looks to be a much brighter day we are walking towards...

Glad to read all your discussions. Thanks for making my day.
# Paul Adams 2010-03-06 08:01
Excellent article. There is a new blog with open comments and discussions, iCans, devoted solely to using the Internet for auditing and training. Plus articles, a directory of practitioners, and all that good stuff. It's at http://icanspage.wordpress.com/ if clicking the link doesn't work for some reason.

This is auditing and training in the 21st century.

# David St Lawrence 2010-03-10 05:01
Words like standard tech, squirreling, and SP declare have be made meaningless by the redefinition of words in the current Church of Scientology.

The overt and covert alteration of tech and policy that has taken place in the last twenty years makes it imperative that we do not rely on somebody's definition of "standard tech" or on-policy to resolve our current situations.

We have been devoting our lives and our fortunes to building a cult and we are reaping the whirlwind that has resulted when any cult gets powerful enough that it no longer responds to public demands for equitable treatment.

The only tests that apply now are:

What processes work and produce the result intended?

What policies can be applied to handle the situation to a successful conclusion?

What form of organization will allow for rapid correction of errors, redress of wrongs, ensure delivery of services that are needed and wanted by public on lines?

Harking back to the good old days should be done as a search for what actually worked, not as a appeal to authority.

The technology and policies put in place by LRH led to the church we have today. Our best and brightest highly trained executives are doing menial labor at the Gold compound and have allowed themselves to be suppressed and degraded.

OTs and Preclears are being overrun and being forced to run processes they have already run to EP and this is being done under the guise of applying standard tech GAT style.

Forget the labels. Find out what actually works and recover it for use by the field. Develop workable Field Policies based on what actually works now, not what works for a cult.

There is a bright future ahead if we actually observe what we observe and act on it. Relying on historical lies or alterations of fact will not get us where we need to go.
# Tara 2010-09-01 14:41
David, you are exactly right. Simplify it down to what works.
# Marvin the Martian 2010-04-15 13:15
Joe, you make some good points. It would be fantastic to have LRH lectures on iTunes (or some similar program)! I mean, the intention is to get LRH DATA (not MEST) into the hands of the public.

However, I must disagree with some of what you say. First off, LRH made it very clear the importance of orgs and staff members, not just for Qual. However, this doesn't mean that field groups and auditors can't exist. LRH insisted that they do! But to have the orgs there solely for the purpose of Qual (review and certification) is a bit out there.

How can one study a course without the presence of a supervisor? What you're proposing about courses on-line seems to violate WHAT IS A COURSE and COURSES, THEIR IDEAL SCENE. That's why extension courses are their, but to have someone do the Metering Course or Academy Training, you need a course room. That's LRH.

Following that, providing FREE materials to public is contra-survival to the orgs. The money donated for materials, training and auditing goes (or is supposed to, anyway) right back into the org to keep the staff paid, the org THERE and expanding. The reference is FREE SERVICE, FREE FALL. Of course, having the lectures available on-line wouldn't be free and is a great idea. I love the idea of having a special Scientology edition iPod!

I do agree that some MAJOR changes need to be made. The mass-producing and re-releasing of LRH materials, exorbitant donation requirements and the very existence of the IAS (to name just a few) are all in violation of LRH policy and his original intention.

So, although I am completely on-board for an overhaul on the current management and management practices and polices of the Church, I am only on-board so far as it aligns to LRH policy. After all, we don't want a full pendulum swing in the other direction, just a half-swing to bring us to the middle. :-)
# Joe Howard 2010-04-16 08:38
I agree that brick and mortar centers must exist and I don't think that a new model such as I presented would do away with orgs as we know them any more than the Internet has done away with books. Scientology is the last subject that would do away with man's basically social, cooperative nature.

Thanks, everybody, for contributing to the discussion.
# Timecops 2010-05-09 03:20
Good discussion, best way to improve conditions - not ask anybody what to do. Use tech more or less workable (it depend on skills). Are you clas 4-8 auditors? Do you have preclears and students?
I have group which Im created. I have more than 10 projects in scientology.
I was at church only 3 month at 2000 and all Bridge got at Free Zone. Im able move my own group to higher conditins and states.
A lot duscuttions about STANDART tech - I thing dramatisation of Church.
Use original materials (before 1982) and move Tone Arm during sesseions and all be good.
# Tara 2010-09-01 14:18
Why am I always late to the party? Damn. I think this is FANTASTIC and perfect! I work via the internet, completely digital, record conference calls, webcasts, use digital transcription, edit audio files...I'm digital! (I hate paper, the waste of.)
I would only audit face-to-face, personally (I do know the margin for error is very high otherwise. There are ALWAYS delays and glitches in live comm via the internet).
But there are soooo many functions that do not require live/instant comm that you're right, sooo much MEST can be eliminated.
At our mission back in the '80s and even into the '90s we hired field auditors who were usually C/Ses and might use a Senior C/S to write the program. We mailed things - maybe worksheets could go electronic to eliminate that. There are machines now to scan to digital - then email. PC folders become digital then.
I can arrange my session to video the meter and send that easily and quickly over the net.
We could use Skype or such to drill and train.
LRH expected us to take advantage of advances in technology.
I would like to put together PowerPoints or PDFs of Div. 6 courses and incorporate LRH references in them. Is someone already doing this? Online courses for different age levels even. I can think of all sorts of ways to create on this!
Free online intro type things where people cognite. Hells Yeah!

That's so wild because earlier today I realized we really have to think OUT OF THE BOX (the one CofM put around us)!

Whatever you do, please count me in. Seriously! This is right up my alley. And please ask me to help in creating it.
# C Ann Duran 2010-10-04 18:22
Thanks for this sane website and the idea that the original unaltered materials can be reproduced and made available. I was declared and did have overts but I was an olt timer and knew the right way to do things. I wrote up alot of kr's on the alteration of the tech and was also a course supervisor with good stats. I think the idea of getting the correct tech known is a great step forward and I can help. Love Cynthia

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