The Indie 500
Help end the vicous practice of forced disconnection by putting your name on the list.
Did you know?

David Miscavige has declared 98% of Hubbard's staff from the most famous Church of all time, Old Saint Hill. Does that strike you as odd? More...
Why Criticism Upsets Some Scientologists
Here's why Scientologists are so touchy about their religion. More...
Is defined as "the overt or covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy."L. Ron Hubbard
OCT 26, 2009: Tommy Davis told AP News,“The church doesn’t mandate disconnection with anybody." He also told John Roberts on CNN, “There’s no such thing as disconnection… There isn’t any such policy in the Church dictating who you can and cannot be in communication with, it just doesn’t happen.” LRH canceled disconnection in HCO PL 15 Nov 1968, Cancellation of Disconnection. Suggestion: Decide enough is enough and reconnect with old friends and family.They're Baaaack!
"Friends of LRH" is back online after being attacked by Ava Paquette of OSA. They reorganized and are here to stay. Tell your friends and visit them at www.friendsoflrh.orgOrder Book

FREE Training Checksheets
Compiled by Dan Koon based on LRH's 1978 - 1987 checksheets on which tens of thousands of auditors were successfully trained. Learn more.
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Murder Most Foul
If you have been following Q (, then you know serious change is afoot. In 2018 it became clear the winds of change are blowing straight into the face of the Church of Scientology. These winds promise to expose and halt decades of abuse, criminality and corruption and will likely embroil them in a series of mass arrests.
Past efforts to bring down the Church of Scientology failed because the CoS itself exists within (and is protected by) a greater and stratospherically more criminal cult, with which David Miscavige theoretically formed an alliance (most likely in 1993 when he made peace with the IRS).
Originally, Hubbard seems to have "borrowed" secret knowledge about the mind and life used for centuries by the Lucifarians to dominate and control the world. In retaliation for this “theft,” in 1950 the “Elites” declared war on Hubbard, his organizations and his fledgling movement.
Perhaps to survive the onslaught, Hubbard repeated his original trick and adopted their vicious methods of attack. The Church of Scientology sold its soul, went insane and evolved into the highly criminal enterprise it is today. They cannot be trusted and habitually betray anyone who comes into their doors.
Yet as bad as it is, the Church of Scientology can’t really be compared to the Lucifarians. The Elites worship Moloch (the Canaanite god of child sacrifice). They are a secret and brutal Satanistic cult with countless "fronts" pretending to be independent organizations but which are centrally controlled by compromised leaders they install. They own the media. Perhaps this explains why the media's voice against Scientology carefully and ironically avoids the most powerful, cruel and vicious cult of them all.
Yet this website is not about the Lucifarians. The point is if the current worldwide rebellion succeeds against the genocidal plans of the Globalists, there will be no one left to protect the Church of Scientology. When that day arrives the Church of Scientology will have hell to pay — a hell of its own making.
“Q” seems to be a United States Military Intelligence operation, working hand-in-hand with the rightful President of the United States. It is believed that Donald J. Trump was hand chosen years ago by the United States Military to aid them in this critical and historic operation.
It is assumed Q is not a single person, but a team of high-ranking persons with "Q" level security clearance, executing operations that have been planned for many years (the Plan). Some of the objectives are: A) A massive information dissemination program meant to 1) expose massive global corruption and conspiracy to the people. 2) Cause the people to research further to aid further in a Great Awakening. B) Root out corruption, fraud and human rights violations worldwide. C) Return the Republic of the United States to the Constitutional rule of law and also return "the People" worldwide to their own rule. In short, the Q operation is the greatest criminal sting and anti-treason/sedition event in world history
For centuries, the Lucifarians have freely murdered anyone who might stand in their way. They trace their bloodlines all the way back to Babylon. See the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati which you can download free from the CIA Library website. Listen to JFK expose the Deep State days before he was assassinated:
If all this is news to you, I suggest you watch, The Plan to Save the World.
The crimes of David Miscavige's Church of Scientology pale by comparison to the Deep State, yet they are undeniably birds of a feather. The Deep State actively protects David Miscavige and his corrupt machine. Scientology's Deep State shield is going to be removed by the United States Military.
You will get closure. The abuse is going to cease. Key executives in the Sea Org along with their attorneys and enablers will face justice.
More to come.
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By any other name, MASS MURDER
For some 30 years after DAVID MISCAVIGE assumed leadership of the Church of Scientology, hundreds of parents were FORCED to abort their children. Please watch the following video to its very end to understand what that really means. When you've watched this video to its final words, ask yourself what kind of "church," what kind of "religious leader," would force parents to commit this kind of atrocity?
David Miscavige ordered a staffer to smack Debbie Cook, who did, knocking Debbie to the floor, and another to break her finger while she was at the Church's International Headquarters in 2007.
DEBBIE COOK: "We were made to do these time in front of 100 people, yelling at you. I was put in a trash can, cold water poured over me, slapped. One time it went on for 12 hours...There were times I was accused of being a homosexual, a lesbian..."
Karen de la Carriere Blog is proud to welcome Karen de la Carriere and host her Surviving Scientology video blog aka "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the blog!" Discover fascinating details on how the Church of Scientology has become one of the world's most oppressive and corrupt organizations.
First announced right here, RUTHLESS, Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me by Ron Miscavige became a #1 bestseller according to the New York Times. This is the revealing story of David Miscavige's childhood and his dark path to the rotten core of the Church of Scientology as seen through the eyes of his own father. The book was co-written by Dan Koon who has posted many articles on this site under the pen name, "Joe Howard" and is intended against the vicious practice of "disconnection." Order your copy on Amazon.

The reality of coerced abortions
In 1997, in response to the high volume of Scientology staff sent to have abortions, the head of Planned Parenthood in Riverside, CA (Janet Honn-Alex) said, "I just felt that it was strange that they would all make the same decision. Independent of their individual circumstances, they had all made the decision to have an abortion, no matter how old they were or how many children they already had. We found that almost unbelievable. And when we started asking more questions, in order to find out their individual motives, because we were suspicious, they stopped coming to us altogether."
In the Wrong Hands: Scientology
"...on four occasions David Miscavige physically assaulted and violently battered individuals in my presence, sending a strong message that anyone in the room was likely to be next..." Learn more... Portrait of a Ponzi Man
"Scientology was intended to help people. David Miscavige has turned it into a massive Ponzi scheme. Here’s how his carefully guarded system actually works..." Learn More...
Secret History of David Miscavige

"Miscavige got out a tire jack and went over the pay phone where Pat was waiting to call for help and smashed the public pay phone so it wouldn't work... Needless to say this scared the crap out of Gale. Then he grabbed her..." Learn more...
Spearheading a Rogue Church
by Mirror (New Author!)
"I happened to see Mr. Miscavige physically attack staff twice. Once he was furious with Ray Mithoff and shoved him so hard that Ray fell into a free-standing coat racks, and he and the rack came crashing down... And on the other occasion I saw Mr. Miscavige hit one of his own RTC staff in the stomach." Learn more...
"There are exact mechanisms Miscavige has used and continues to use in order to dominate, control and enslave those around him..." Learn more...
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