Scientology Inc."Office of Special Affairs and the Church's Financial Irregularities 4/6 | | Print | |
Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog |
Wednesday, 02 October 2013 18:30 |
The Church of Scientology extorts money from its rank and file over and beyond anything that is normal. It is done gang bang style. Usually 4 or 5 Church staff against one person. This affords them the luxury of hiring expensive lawyers to firewall them from their criminal acts. Filing endless motions to stop the progress of any lawsuit rather than fight on merit is par for the course on this pretense of a religion which has morphed into a runaway money extortion machine. In this video I tell about the the pressure on their staff that was so great -- including sleep deprivation -- to sell these repackaged books "The Basics". Church staff stole unused payments and billed clients accounts for Basics at $3000 or $5000 a set (unauthorized) on credit cards on file and unused advance payments. Vast amounts of these huge packages were "Returned to Sender." This is only one type of fraud and scam. I discussed this with two OSA INT execs in 2007 and 2008 and OSA staff were well aware of it, while they continue to ask me for money for more BASICS.
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