What happened to Brian Culkin in one year in Scientology Inc Part 1/4 | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 27 September 2013 15:25

Thank you to Mark Bunker for permission to mirror. Brian Culkin story is Beyond Belief. From the moment he arrives at Tampa Airport pretty women descend on him like vultures to donate. In one incident he gives $35,000 as a "donation" before he arrives at the "Church" in Clearwater.

He described his seven months at Flag "TORTURE" and the months spent there trying to undo the torture created. "An incessant and non-stop demand for money". The Chief registrar Dave Foster calls him a "Fucking Asshole" for not handing over money. Dave Foster is part of their so called "Clergy". How very *Ecclesiastical"...
