Lori Hodgson story continued. Scientology Inc - Child snatchers Part One | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Saturday, 21 September 2013 15:07

Lori Hodgson has two children neamed Jeremy and Jessica who have been manipulated by the "Church" to shun her.  It is the Church of Scientology's toxic policy of Disconnection. Scientology Inc is infamous for the destruction of the family. As long as all family members are snitching and "knowledge reporting" each other to RTC "Religious Technology Center" and "Office of Special Affairs" (OSA), the "Church" every is okay.

However, as soon as a family member expresses any criticism or unwillingness to pay more money, surrender their children to the "Sea Org" and so on, interrogations begin and "Ethics Officers" start draconian actions to split off the disaffected member from the rest of the family.  Divorces in the Church of Scientology are very often orderd as a way to "handle" a disaffected spouse. Children are made to disconnect from a parent who is disaffected. This is what happened tp Lori: Her own children were ordered to disconnect from her by the Church.
