Day 2 In the Courtroom PURE RAY JEFFREY Part 2 AND 3 | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 15:39

14 minutes of pure Ray Jeffrey and why he will file a motion for sanctions against the "Church."
The Al Capone of "Church"s will try any tactic, the most infamous entity for dilatory conduct is the "Church" of Scientology says Ray Jeffrey. Deflecting attention away from Dildo Dave, the "pope" of Scientology that micro-managed every inch of the vigilante and illegal conduct ~~ the "church" tries to slime the lawyer defending Monique.
Privilege communication excuse is THE most laughable justification from a Church that takes priest/penitent privilege communication and broadcasts it on the Internet.

Instead of using LEGAL remedies and following the LAW, the "Church" who considers itself above the law engages in criminal activity 24/7/365.   Kidnap, Held against will, beatings, punchings. body slammings, sleep deprivation, locking up members in isolation cut off from outside world.   Even in the law courts, sleazy underhanded LIES and tactics.


