Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 2 | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 13 September 2013 16:15

How very embarrassing for the head of a "religion" to be served with a restraining order.

A temporary restraining order has been served on David Miscavige for his dirty deeds and fair game on Mosey Rathbun for being the wife of his target Marty Rathbun.

Completely out of control and with no checks and balances, Miscavige dramatizes THELEMA of Alistair Crowley. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." Miscavige orders his henchmen to do what he wants.

2013...not the year of the dragon, or the year of the rat, the YEAR of Scientology lawsuits. Time to show this Frankenstein "Church" that they are *NOT* above the law.
How "ecclesiastical" is a dildo ? A rubber penis was sent to Mosey from office of Special Affairs Dirty tricks via an *anonymous* Private investigator.
Ecclesiastical indeed !

Part 2 of 6 videos of court proceedings on 12 September 2013
