Monique Rathbun vs David Miscavige and the "church" of Scientology - Part 1 | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 13 September 2013 02:20

Video #1 of 6 videos.

Dramatic video footage from Texas Courtroom at today's showdown. 

Nothing like seeing the actual courtroom...

Thank you to Michael Bennitt for shooting this and for giving me the *RIGHTS* to
air on this channel.

David Miscavige has gotten away with his malicious activity against for members who speak out. Today he is hiding behind 15 Church attorneys who showed up gang bang style to overwhelm by sheer quantity.

This is a repeat of the Wollersheim case. The "Church" is David Miscavige's alter-ego.
Notice how they want David Miscavige out of it at any cost. The Church Lawyer says Church of Scientology International has the assets for any damages ~~ but leave Miscavige out of it !

These are the opening statements. Cameras ordered shut off for actual testimony.
I will be uploading the first 1 hour 18 mins in 14 minute segments.

