Scientology Inc treatment of HIV virus ~ Chiropracter for Barter | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 21:03

Bill Straass served as a hard working "Sea Org Member". The "church" called them "CLERGY". When a Sea org member needs medical treatment, (there are approximately 4000 of them world wide,) the "CHURCH" makes the Tax payer pay for medical treatment in all countries. Scientology Inc is Tax Exempt and does not pay its fair share of taxes, under *religious cloaking*. Not only does it not contribute its fair share of taxes but expects the State to pay for medical while it hoards money for its expensive Lawyers and Private Investigators.

Bill Straass suffered greatly for 13 years with the HIV virus after being finally sent to a Chiropracter (for no money) in excahnge for trading of Freewinds accomodations.

