Scientology Inc Department of Lying and Fair Game OSA 2/6 | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Sunday, 01 September 2013 03:20

The Division of Intelligence in Office of Special Affairs carry out malicious and vindictive deeds.   They are all Sea Org members.  These were people seeking spiritual advancement, who signed a billion year contract and have morphed into vicious and malicious thugs.   How do good beings morph into criminals with no sense of conscience or moral code while working for a Church !
It is par for the course for these "Sea Org" members or "Clergy" as they call themselves in the Legal arena to work with Lawyers who work with Dirty PIs that execute mean and vengeful deeds against critics, whistleblowers. and Ex Sea Org members that reveal the dirty little secrets of what goes on under the curtains and behind those glittering events that spout tissues of lies. "int events."
OSA INT is a criminal entity with programs to destroy and characteer assassinate. 

