Scientology pulverized, humiliated, apologetic to Bonnie Woods with love from Allen and Overy | Print |
Thursday, 05 September 2024 15:37


A litigation Story. It is rare that the Scientology cult falls on its sword and completely apologizes and admits to its flagrant lying propaganda.
Pays out a nice settlement in hard cash.

Swears it will never sue Bonnie again no matter where she spoke up or posted.

There is a blueprint of how it all happened.

One thing that makes the cult withdraw and that is the insistence on bringing in the upper OT level documents and making them public.

Allen and Overy, arguably one of the biggest law firms in the world took on Bonnie's law suit. Google Allen and Overy The law firm spent one million pounds with 3 barristers, (lawyers) + a bunch of paralegals that fought the cult for 2 years pro bono.